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About the Program
Heal the Healer is our level two training program for psychedelic therapists who successfully completed our level one Introduction to Psychedelic Therapy.
Heal the Healer guides you through your inner work in a group setting amplified by small doses of medicine. Our work at the retreat will take you and your practice to the next level of the group experience.
Preliminary course work outlines an understanding of how to create a safe container, creating group cohesion and mutual interdependence, building and maintaining trust, boundaries, dosing protocols, holding space in a group, integration, art, movement, and case studies of group work using psychedelics.
An online course and pre and post contact through zoom and signal are included in the training. Prices include all training, lodging and meals during the retreat.
Transportation to the venue is your responsibility and we facilitate ride sharing.
There is no human deed or thought that lies fully outside the experience of other people
– Irvin D. Yalom
Registration Details
Heal the healer is open to Level 1 graduates of Chiron or Phoenix Academy training. Experienced practitioners from other training may be considered on a case by case basis.
To register, please start by logging into your account and filling out the questionnaire on the Level 2 Registration Page. We will reach out to you with next steps.
We are offering two 8 day retreats in 2024. Registration for these retreats is now open. There are only 12 spaces in each retreat so please register as soon as possible to secure your spot.
JULY 16th – 23rd- 2024
– Vancouver
BC $6,300. plus GST
Leadership by Bradley Foster and faculty
All prices are in Canadian dollars. For more information, please see our cancellation policy and registration page or contact: admin@phoenixacademy.ca
Program Details
It is our intention to create a container of practitioners experienced with psychedelic group healing/therapy as a catalyst for authenticity. The retreat is an introduction to group leadership and group work with psychedelics. We demonstrate through group processes how psychedelics enhance our awareness of: unconscious behaviours; limiting relational patterns; attachment wounds; reflexive patterns; trauma routines; group therapy, old programming, movement, our conditioned responses; schemas; and our somatic and emotional wounds.
Heal the healer is part exploration of self, part relational group dynamics. We explore the role of the individual in the group and our unconscious patterns of behaviour and roles in groups. We are here to do deep work so we can clear ourselves of unconscious motivations and unfinished business. We teach you how we create a safe container to establish a group that facilitates illumination of relational and social patterns for growth. Substances will be stacked in combination to bring the group to different stages during the full psychedelic relational experience.
You are simultaneously the client and the therapist. Come with a beginner’s mind, leave with the mindset of a leader. You will learn how to work deeply with individuals and learn protocols designed for group therapeutic work and healing.
The eight days are an immersion into experiential teaching and learning. We will explore several dimensions of how to enhance the power of the group process with the skillful use of psychedelics. The wide range of topics and modalities will be explored before and during the retreat including breath work, advanced medical training, bodywork, team building, creating and holding ceremony, identifying interpersonal boundaries, responsible communication and feedback, experiential exercises such as two chair work, psychodrama and other Gestalt routines, working with individuals within the group environment, corrective experiences and being witnessed in a group setting. We prepare the foundation of safety and trust by communicating with you and your group through Signal and with Zoom calls prior to the retreat. An online course will be offered as a prerequisite to help prepare you for the retreat.
Learning Experience Leader

Bradley Foster MA
Bradley Foster has a background in history and education and worked as a psychotherapist and a coach for 20 years with a practice focused on leadership, and creativity. He trained at the Gestalt Institute in Toronto and has a BA from McGill/Columbia University and a Masters degree from the University of Toronto. He founded the Toronto Psychedelic Society in 2016 and spawned many others, organised conferences, webinars, and meetings in the psychedelic community. He has personally overseen the treatment of hundreds of clients and trained 200 therapists.
With his then partner Melania Lumezanu, they co-created many effective treatment protocols. Mela and Bradley trained therapists in their clinic in Toronto and created the Chiron Academy in 2020 to bring this work to others. Mela and Bradley parted ways professionally in 2021. The result for Bradley was Phoenix Academy, which embodies and exemplifies Bradley’s philosophy of training and collaboration with others. For those of you interested in Mela’s offerings, please see Chiron Academy for her offerings.
Bradley believes psychedelic therapy can heal our deepest wounds when done with gentleness, safety, awareness, and intention. Healing doesn’t have to be painful. His grounded spirituality, rooted in the here and now, holds space for whatever appears during treatment. His goal is to share his knowledge and learning with others so we can develop our own style and best practices. He also encourages networks for the exchange of information for his trained therapists. and has created collective channels and networks of Chiron and Phoenix graduates to support and connect them. Bradley is committed to diversity; Since beginning in 2022, over $30,000 in profits from Phoenix Academy have been disbursed in scholarships to students with few means and in underserved communities. Healing must come to all communities.
Both The Sentinel and Vancouver are ideal settings for Heal the Healer. Over the years they have become creative crucibles, places where ideas formulate and mature for our benefit. Both retreat centres are dedicated to personal growth in a beautiful natural setting. They have impacted the lives of thousands of people from around the world. These are truly sacred places that bring us home.
Healing Doesn’t Have to be Painful